Contact me.

Hey, I get it… SERPs, keywords, strategy, ranking, top-funnel, bottom-funnel, convert, convert, convert.

If it drives business, it’s important. And I don’t mean that sarcastically.

But here’s the thing — and this is the part they don’t tell you in grad school: stories shape our lives.

The ways we connect with each other, the ways we connect with objects, the ways we connect with our past and our future… It’s all about the story.

Why do people connect with a story? Which stories drive people to action? How can we tell those stories authentically? Where’s the perfect balance between stories optimized to impress Google and stories engineered to delight people? Do brands shape culture, or does culture shape a brand?

What truly separates a “good” story from a “great” story?

It sounds cheesy (probably because it is), but I’ve dedicated my life to connecting those dots — helping brands find their identity, helping people connect with stories (and sometimes products), and making sure the journey feels authentic.

Buy the ticket and take the ride.
(732) 213-7397

4629 Baltimore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143